Application Security Assessment Prioritizing Application Security Throughout Every Stage of the Development Lifecycle

So, you want to check the security of an in-house developed application? Great! Conducting these assessments a couple of times a year is very important. At VDA Labs, we have the expertise and tools necessary to ensure your application is secure. We believe in a holistic approach to security assessments. Our process includes both automated tools and expert manual analysis to ensure no stone is left unturned.

A thorough security assessment begins with a detailed examination of your application's source code. At VDA Labs, we employ a combination of static analysis tools and manual code reviews to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure your code is secure from the ground up.


Static Analysis

Our cutting-edge tools scan your codebase to detect common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and buffer overflows. This automated process is quick and efficient, providing a broad overview of potential issues.

  • Automated Tools:We use industry-leading static analysis tools that can process large codebases efficiently, identifying a wide range of security flaws.
  • Comprehensive Reporting:The results of the static analysis are compiled into detailed reports, highlighting the issues found and their severity.


Manual Review

Automated tools are just the beginning. Our experienced developers manually review your code to catch issues that automated tools might miss. This includes:

  • Contextual Analysis: Understanding the context in which the code operates, which is crucial for identifying logic flaws and other subtle vulnerabilities.
  • Code Quality Checks: Assessing coding standards, best practices, and maintainability, which contribute to overall application security.
  • Business Logic Flaws: Identifying flaws in the business logic that could lead to security breaches, such as improper validation or authorization checks.
  • Customized Security Checks: Tailoring the review process to your specific technology stack and application needs, ensuring a thorough and relevant security assessment.


Component Analysis

  • Vulnerability Scanning: We check your application for known vulnerabilities in libraries and frameworks.
  • License Compliance: We ensure your software components are compliant with licensing requirements to avoid legal issues.


Dynamic Testing

  • Fuzz Testing: For applications with native code, we employ fuzzing techniques to find runtime vulnerabilities, requiring deep knowledge of languages like C/C++..
  • Web Application Testing: Our experts perform skilled, manual testing using tools like Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP to identify web application vulnerabilities.


Design, SDL, and Deployment Review

  • Design and Architecture Review: We evaluate the overall design and architecture of your application to ensure it follows best practices in security.
  • Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL): Our team assesses your development processes to ensure they integrate security at every stage.
  • Deployment and Configuration:: We review your deployment procedures and configurations to ensure they are secure and robust.

Investing in application security assessments is a proactive step towards safeguarding your business’s digital assets. At VDA Labs, our comprehensive assessment services not only help identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities but also bring a host of other advantages that contribute to the overall health and success of your software applications.

Improved Code Quality

By uncovering security flaws and encouraging best coding practices, our assessments contribute to the overall quality and maintainability of your software.

Compliance and Legal Protection

Ensuring compliance with licensing and regulatory requirements helps protect your business from legal issues and potential fines.

Proactive Risk Management

Regular security assessments help identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, reducing the risk of breaches and ensuring the integrity of your applications.

Cost Savings

Identifying and fixing vulnerabilities early in the development process can save significant costs associated with security breaches and post-release patches.

Why Our Expertise Matters

Budget Considerations

At VDA Labs, our team comprises highly skilled engineers and security professionals with extensive experience in software development and security. Unlike many enterprise penetration testers, our experts have deep coding knowledge, enabling them to provide more comprehensive and insightful assessments.

Investing in a high-quality security assessment is essential for the security of your applications. While we provide competitive pricing, we emphasize the importance of a thorough and effective assessment. Remember, you get what you pay for. A low quote may not cover the depth of expertise and tools required for a complete audit.

Male Security Consultant wearing Microphone Headset
Free Application Security Assessment Consultation
Protect your business by ensuring your applications are secure.

Contact VDA Labs today to learn more about our Application Security Assessment Services and how we can help you fortify your software against threats.

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