Application Security Utilize Tools and Processes to Secure Applications Across Their Lifecycle

VDA Labs offers full-coverage testing, from code review to penetration testing, enabling you to develop safer apps, meet compliance goals, and innovate securely with our application security services.

Ensure the validity of your secure development approach and the resilience of your applications against malicious attacks.

Often referred to as "App Sec," application security encompasses a range of security measures involving software, hardware, best practices, and techniques aimed at detecting, remediating, and preventing the emergence of flaws, threats, and vulnerabilities.

Prioritizing application security at every stage of the development lifecycle, from analysis to design, testing, deployment, and maintenance, significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access by threat actors to your network. With VDA Labs' application security controls, you can bolster your business' network and applications against potential breaches.

VDA Labs' application security controls include techniques designed to enhance an application's security during the coding phase. By integrating specific access control codes during development, the overall application becomes less susceptible to exploitation by malicious actors. Additionally, as an extra layer of security, VDA Labs employs fuzzing techniques to identify unexpected values that could potentially create vulnerabilities within the application.



We assess your cybersecurity posture, identify vulnerabilities, and integrate tailored security solutions, vetting current technologies and providing risk-minimizing recommendations.

Assess Security Risks


We align policies and controls with regulations and best practices, tailored to your capabilities. Enhance business resilience with threat-informed breach readiness.

Strengthen Business Resilience
Incident Response


Efficient incident response minimizes breach impact. Our collaborative efforts ensure rapid, effective resolution, minimizing downtime and restoring operations.

Respond in Record Time
We go Above and Beyond to Help You Improve Your Security Posture!

The application security team at VDA Labs provides both tactical assessments and strategic solutions to support your proactive and reactive application security endeavors.

Uncovering Overlooked Vulnerabilities

We surpass OWASP Top 10, targeting your unique business logic and operations. VDA Labs performs customized penetration tests, blending manual techniques with tailored tools and scripts for each asset, uncovering vulnerabilities missed by traditional methods and scanners.

We're Security Engineers Providing Realistic Attack Simulations

Our team comprises experienced security engineers deeply passionate about their craft. Continuously updating their expertise, they stay abreast of attackers' tactics and techniques, delivering authentic real-life attack simulations.

We Address Security Challenges From the Outset

Integrating security testing with engineering assessments, our goal is to empower you to seamlessly embed security within your DevOps workflow. This proactive approach enables developers to cultivate secure coding practices, safeguarding your applications prior to deployment.

Comprehensive Vulnerability Overview and Remediation Guidance

Our expert team delivers a comprehensive overview of identified vulnerabilities, including their impact on your business. We provide actionable, prioritized remediation guidance to empower your team to implement effective measures and safeguard your applications against risks and threats.

Compliance Reporting for Stringent Standards

VDA Labs aids in compliance attainment with personalized reporting surpassing stringent demands. We ensure adherence to vendor risk, third-party mandates, M&A due diligence, and various regulations including PCI, SOC 2 Type II, ISO 27001, GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, and more.

Take Your Application Security to the Next Level With our AppSec Services

VDA Labs excels in providing top-tier application security services, ensuring the safety and integrity of your software applications. Our approach blends advanced security technologies with in-depth expertise to protect against vulnerabilities and threats in the application layer.

Advanced Code Fuzzing

VDA Labs utilizes advanced fuzzing techniques to uncover previously unknown vulnerabilities in application code by generating and injecting malformed input data.

Advanced Software Security Training

In this interactive course, you'll learn advanced software security techniques, perfect for developers, testers, managers, and security enthusiasts.

Application Penetration Testing

We evaluate the security of applications by simulating attacks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the software's defenses.

Application Security Architecture Review

This service identifies and evaluates security vulnerabilities stemming from architectural flaws within an application, offering tailored mitigation or remediation recommendations.

Application Security as a Service

We oversee your Application Security (AppSec) program to assist in implementing best practices, reducing your workload, optimizing productivity, and fostering continuous evolution and maturity over time.

Application Security Assessment

Our AppSec assessment identifies, verifies, and reports factors expanding attack surfaces, considering runtime aspects of modern apps, web services, or thick clients.

Application Security Technologies

We help organizations choose the most appropriate security testing tools based on their specific requirements, budget, and technical environment.

Application Security Testing as a Service (ASTaaS)

Our ASTAAS oversees your Application Security (AppSec) program, implementing best practices, reducing workload, and fostering continuous evolution and maturity.

Application Security Testing Orchestration (ASTO)

Automating and orchestrating security testing tools and processes, our ASTO service streamlines testing efforts to improve efficiency.

Application Threat Modeling

Our Application Threat Modeling service evaluates applications against industry best practices, ensuring resilience against threats that may otherwise go unnoticed.

DevSecOps Consulting Services

Our DevSecOps consulting integrates security practices into the DevOps workflow, ensuring security is ingrained throughout the software development lifecycle.

Digital Supply Chain Security Assessment

We evaluate the security of the software supply chain, including third-party vendors and dependencies, to identify and mitigate associated risks.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Our Dynamic Application Security Testing service detects vulnerabilities in running applications by simulating real-world attacks and analyzing responses.

Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) and Hybrid Tools

Combining elements of SAST and DAST, our IAST and Hybrid Tools provide real-time feedback during application development and testing.

Mobile Application Security Assessment

We replicate authentic attack scenarios to evaluate the security of mobile applications, safeguarding users' sensitive data on mobile devices.

Mobile Application Security Testing (MAST)

Our Mobile Application Security Testing service assesses the security posture of mobile applications across Android and iOS platforms, ensuring compliance with security best practices.

Mobile Code Review

We conduct in-depth analysis of mobile application source code to identify security vulnerabilities and coding errors, ensuring robust security measures.

OWASP Top 10

Our OWASP Top 10 service focuses on the most common security risks found in web applications, ensuring comprehensive protection against prevalent threats.

Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)

RASP defends applications by monitoring runtime behavior and automatically responding to suspicious activities, bolstering security against evolving threats.

Secure Code Review

Our Secure Code Review service identifies security vulnerabilities, coding errors, and best practices violations in application code, enhancing overall security.

Secure SDLC (SSDLC) Consulting

We offer Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC) consulting services to ensure robust app security, evaluating team diligence through Risk Reviews or in-depth assessments.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Our Software Composition Analysis (SCA) service assesses third-party and open-source components within applications, identifying security vulnerabilities and ensuring license compliance.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Our Static Application Security Testing (SAST) method scrutinizes application source code to uncover security vulnerabilities without executing it.

Web Application Firewall (WAF) Services

We deploy Web Application Firewalls (WAF) to protect web applications from common security threats and attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

We Have Real-World AppSec Experience We take a hands-on approach to assist you in implementing the most suitable technologies.

Minimize costs and risks with VDA Labs' Application Security Solutions. We enhance your existing application security program through a blend of manual and automated testing solutions. Our services integrate application security seamlessly into your software development life cycle, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

1 SAST (Static Application Security Testing)

Strengthening Software Security: The Importance of Static Analysis in Development

Static analysis, a critical component of software development, equips development teams with the capability to thoroughly scrutinize and evaluate source code or bytecode. By conducting static analysis early in the development lifecycle, teams gain invaluable insights into potential vulnerabilities, security flaws, and code quality issues.

This proactive approach allows for the timely remediation of issues, significantly reducing the risk of introducing critical errors or security breaches into the final product. Furthermore, static analysis fosters a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging developers to adopt best practices and adhere to coding standards.

Ultimately, integrating static analysis into the development process empowers teams to deliver more reliable, secure, and high-quality software applications to end-users.

2 DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)

The Role of Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) serves as a vital tool in the arsenal of internal teams, enabling them to meticulously examine and analyze live, operational applications for potential vulnerabilities.

By conducting thorough assessments during the runtime of applications, DAST provides valuable insights into conditions that may indicate the presence of vulnerabilities. These assessments encompass a wide range of factors, including input validation, authentication mechanisms, session management, and more.

The comprehensive nature of DAST allows teams to pinpoint specific issues within the application's codebase or configuration that could potentially be exploited by malicious actors. Moreover, by simulating real-world attack scenarios, DAST aids in the identification of vulnerabilities that may not be apparent through other testing methodologies.

One of the key advantages of DAST is its ability to detect vulnerabilities in applications regardless of their underlying technology stack or programming language. This versatility makes DAST an indispensable tool for organizations with diverse application portfolios.

Furthermore, the insights gathered from DAST testing enable teams to prioritize and address vulnerabilities effectively, thereby enhancing the overall security posture of the organization. By leveraging DAST as part of a comprehensive security testing strategy, organizations can proactively mitigate risks and safeguard their applications against potential threats.

3 SCA (Software Composition Analysis)

Enhancing Development with Software Composition Analysis

By seamlessly integrating Software Composition Analysis (SCA) directly into your code repositories, development teams gain a robust framework to prevent the introduction of unnecessary risks throughout the software development lifecycle. This proactive approach allows teams to continuously monitor and assess various aspects of their codebase, including versioning, potential vulnerabilities with publicly available exploits, licensing compliance, and any associated legal or regulatory obligations.

Through comprehensive scanning and analysis, SCA provides valuable insights into the usage of third-party components, libraries, and dependencies within your applications and containerized environments. This enables teams to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities, ensuring that only secure and compliant components are utilized.

Moreover, by leveraging automation and integration capabilities, SCA facilitates real-time monitoring and alerts, enabling teams to swiftly respond to any newly identified vulnerabilities or compliance issues. This proactive stance not only enhances the security posture of your software but also helps streamline the development process by minimizing the risk of last-minute fixes or delays.

Overall, by embedding SCA into your development workflows, organizations can proactively mitigate risks, improve code quality, and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, ultimately bolstering the integrity and security of their software products.

4 WAF (Web Application Firewall)

Strengthening Web Application Security

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) play a critical role in bolstering the security posture of web applications by providing a dedicated layer of defense at the front-end. This specialized security solution is designed to monitor, analyze, and filter incoming web traffic in real-time, enabling it to detect and block various types of known attack vectors, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

By employing signature-based detection techniques, WAFs can identify patterns or signatures associated with known attacks, allowing them to proactively block malicious traffic before it reaches the web application. Additionally, some advanced WAFs leverage machine learning algorithms to detect and mitigate emerging threats that may not be covered by traditional signature-based approaches.

While WAFs excel at safeguarding the front-end of web applications, it's important to recognize their limitations. Unlike other security solutions that provide comprehensive coverage across both front-end and back-end components, WAFs primarily focus on protecting the application layer. This means that they may not provide adequate protection against attacks targeting backend systems, such as database servers or application servers.

To address this gap, organizations often complement WAFs with additional security measures, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), to safeguard the entire web application infrastructure. By adopting a multi-layered approach to web application security, organizations can effectively mitigate risks and enhance the overall resilience of their web applications against a wide range of cyber threats.

5 RASP (Runtime Application Self-Protection)

The Role of Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)

Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) offers a dynamic layer of defense that operates within the backend of your applications. Unlike traditional security measures that rely on external systems for protection, RASP is embedded directly within the application itself, allowing it to monitor, detect, and respond to security threats in real-time.

One of the key advantages of RASP is its ability to defend against a wide range of attacks, including both known vulnerabilities and emerging threats. By leveraging advanced detection techniques and behavioral analysis, RASP can identify malicious activity and anomalous behavior, even in the absence of predefined signatures.

Moreover, RASP is designed to adapt and evolve alongside your applications, ensuring continuous protection without impeding the development process. This agility enables RASP to keep pace with the rapid deployment cycles of modern development environments, providing comprehensive security coverage without sacrificing speed or performance.

By incorporating RASP into your security strategy, you can enhance the resilience of your applications against cyber threats while minimizing the risk of exploitation. With RASP acting as a proactive defense mechanism, your applications can effectively defend themselves against both known and unknown attacks, safeguarding sensitive data and preserving the integrity of your systems.

From simple websites to complex, cloud-based platforms, we assess software and applications. We also guide you in building new apps securely from the ground up. Embrace a holistic approach to application security, reducing both risk and cost, and freeing up your IT and security teams for essential business priorities.

Count on us for thorough code testing and leave the security concerns in our experienced hands.

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